Thursday, January 24, 2013

GHHS Member Oluchi Ukaegbu

Oluchi Ukaegbu is a highly respected leader among her peers. She helped develop the aforementioned GUIDES program - just one of many community service projects for which she volunteers. Oluchi serves as an officer for several student organizations including Student Government, the Student National Medical Association and the Christian Medical and Dental Association. As such, she is a strong and effect advocate for students.  She is also a strong and effective advocate for patients. Reflecting on Oluchi’s rotation through the Heartland Community Health Clinic, one of its physicians said, “[she] has an enhanced ability to combine confidence, humility, and knowledge with graciousness to all those around her that results in a sense of being at ease with her – as if she has been a friend for a long time. I noted that our staff enjoyed her and patients are willing to share their concerns with Oluchi, no matter their backgrounds.” Oluchi’s family came to the U.S. from Nigeria. During many of her formative years, they lived in the state of Wyoming. She is a graduate of the Communication Sciences and Disorders program of Northwestern University.

Linda P. Rowe, EdD
GHHS Advisor