Kristen Schmidt, who is from Minnesota , majored in English at the University of California at Berkeley , completed her master’s degree at the University of Chicago and worked as a teacher and administrator before deciding to pursue a career in medicine. Kristen has distinguished herself academically here in Peoria . Her achievements earned her a place in the college of medicine’s James Scholars program, an academic honors program focused on in-depth study and research. Kristen has also distinguished herself in the clinical setting for, as one clerkship director put it, “superlative humanistic behaviors on a daily basis.” Another faculty member illustrated Kristen’s compassion by pointing out how she listens to the concerns of patients and families and then goes out of her way to help them with information and resources. The faculty member wrote, “it was evident that [to Kristen] patient care was more than a clinical task … she connected with patients on a personal level. Her questions addressed ways to improve comfort as well as provide exceptional evidenced based care.”
Linda P. Rowe, EdD
GHHS Advisor